Students must carry his/her almanac to school every day. It must have his/her photograph and identification information complete and signed by parents.
Collection of funds through the students is strictly prohibited. Parents are requested not to send any contribution to the school on the basis of verbal messages from the school staff or unless they receive a written note duly signed by the Principal.
No students should damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on walls, furniture or in any way damage things that belong to others. Any damage done will be made good by the one who causes it.
It is expected that juniors be treated with love and affection by the seniors while juniors show respect to their seniors.
No rowdy and rude behaviors are allowed by the students.
The school reserves the right to suspend or take strict disciplinary action against a student whose conduct is harmful to other students or to the school.
Students must not miss any teaching /games/library/activity periods.
The observance of rules of discipline of the school and good behavior is an essential condition to a student’s continuance in the school. In case students violate the school rules or indulge in any form of in discipline, strict action like expulsion/suspension/restriction shall be taken against the student.
1. Students should come to school in clean, ironed uniform with identity card issued by the school only. Brown Shoes, Sports Shoes (Wednesday & Saturday) should be regularly polished & well maintained. Socks should be clean
2. No sandals or slippers other than those specified by the school should be worn by the students even during the rainy season.
Company & Shade No. of cloth- Mafatlat Textile No. 3288,
Gwalior Suiting No.- 21051 Shade- 123
L.K. G. & U.K.G.
Girls : Check Skirt (No.- 21051 shade- 123) with Gallace (No. 3288) and shirt
Boys : Check Nicker with Gallace (No. 3288) and shirt (No.- 21051 shade- 123)
I to V
Girls : Shirt (No.- 21051 shade- 123) with Tunic (No. 3288)
Boys : Shirt (No.- 21051 shade- 123) with Nicker (No. 3288)
Girls : Shirt (No.- 21051 shade- 123) with Divider Skirt (No. 3288)
Boys : Shirt check (No. 3288) with Trouser (No.- 21051 shade- 123)
Girls : Kurta (No.- 21051 shade- 123) with Jacket (No. 3288) (attached) and Salwar (No. 3288)
Boys : Shirt check (No. 3288) with Trouser (No.- 21051 shade- 123)
Winter : Blazer (Maroon colour with check pipin)
: Sweater (Maroon colour with fawn & green colour stripes)
: Track suit with Yellow jacket
- For P.T. Track Suit (finalized by DAVCMC) is to be worn on Wednesday and Saturday.
- Boys students found in untidy uniform, long hair & dirty finger nails will be viewed seriously.
- Girls with long hair tied in two braids with whiter ribbon. Girls with short hair should wear a white hair band.
- Students should carry a handkerchief, napkin & spoon with their lunch.
- Trendy hairstyles and hair dying are not allowed.
As far as possible, once a child has come to school, he/she should not be taken home on half day leave. No short leave will be granted under any circumstance s on the test days.
The school expects every student to attend the school regularly. An optimum attendance record during the session is a must for students to be eligible for promotion. It is also compulsory for the students to attend extra/ remedial classes as and when notified by the school.
No student can be absent from the school without obtaining prior permission of leave.
In case a student fails to attend school on a particular day on account of any unforeseen reason, the application for leave must be sent with the child the next day.
If the leave is due to illness of a period exceeding two days, a medical certificate from a qualified MBBS doctor should be enclosed along with the leave application.
Students with less than 75% attendance are not eligible to sit in annual examination as per CBSE guidelines. Parents should ensure that their ward attend school regularly and do not miss any examination. Absence from any examination, unless under extraordinary circumstances, will be viewed very seriously.
Parents are required to give a notice of intended withdrawal by the end of February.
Any student withdrawn after 31 July will be charged one full session fee.
The following categories of students will be withdrawn from the school
1. Those whose fees are in arrears.
2. Those who fail in the same class and are below average.
3. Those whose behavior and conduct in the opinion of Principal and the staff is harmful to the school.
Education is not synonymous with academics. In order to develop the all round personality of every child, the school attaches a lot of importance to the extra – curricular activities. It is mandatory for all the students to participate in the activities at all possible levels. Parents are requested to encourage their ward in this regard.
Attendance and uniform are the two areas where the school is very strict. Late comers and uniform defaulters will be sent back home.
Parents must pay the school fees in time to avoid any inconvenience. Students with fees in arrears will not be allowed to appear in examination.
Attendance of the parents at PTM is mandatory. Parents who fail to attend PTM will be doing so at the risk of their wards performance and therefore promotion prospects.
In PTM, parents are requested to bring the school diary of their ward to discuss about their progress in academics and co- curricular activities.
Constructive suggestions from the parents are always welcome.